Something is definitely wrong with my feet this year...sigh!
Blame it on bad shoes (cheap shoes doesnt mean they're good for walking!!), bad walking or for being too active back in school many years back - my feet is now useless!!
I am at my wits end to fix this problem. I was told to rest my feet more and mind you after coming back from a Treasure Hunt event in Ipoh yesterday, only God knows how painful my poor feet was back there! We travel on foot to decipher the clues - and being on foot the whole day + it was super hot during the day, every step I took was like walking on a sharp knife en route HELL. I took every stride with a high spirit and my effort didnt fail me, we WON! 4th placing out of 39 Teams!
I managed to get a quick one hour reflexology massage at Ipoh Parade, at one of this open air space before the company dinner starts (7pm). Apparently one of the Thai massage centre is having their promotions in the shopping complex and yup, for the first in my life I got my massage in the open! I managed to catch some nap while Porn (a dark, huge but sweet lady masseuse) fix my feet + legs. She's SOOO good!!! I was worried she might 'Karate' me, but nope...she knows how to apply pressure at the right places. Kudos to PORN!! Go find her next time if you are in Ipoh Parade.
In the mean time, am back home taking a rest - feel so exhausted (very heaty inside + slight fever) and of course resting my feet.
Will be going to work tomorrow....gah!!
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