Following is a list of commonly encountered types of toxic people, with descriptions of their basic toxic characteristics:
The Psychopath: The Psychopath lacks empathy and sympathy, is completely devoid of a conscience, and derives pleasure from others' suffering.
The Sociopath: The Sociopath completely disregards the rights and feelings of others, and is incapable of experiencing remorse, shame or guilt.
The Pathological Liar: The Pathological Liar lacks the capacity to tell the truth-in fact, the pathological lacks the ability to even recognize the truth.
The Emotional Wreck: The Emotional Wreck is constantly on an emotional rollercoaster. This individual simply cannot keep it together.
The Putdown Artist: The Putdown Artist is constantly making others the butt of jokes in an attempt to deflect attention away from their own shortcomings.
The Hatemonger/Blamemonger: The Hatemonger/Blamemonger hates everyone who is nicer, smarter, richer, better connected or more successful than they are. The Hatemonger/Blamemonger blames every individual and every group of individuals that is different from them for all of their particular problems, as well as for everything the Hatemonger/Blamemonger believes is wrong with the world in general.
The Misogynist/Misandrist/Misanthrope: The Misogynist hates women. The Misandrist hates women. The Misanthrope hates ALL humans without regard to gender. The Misogynist/Misandrist/Misanthrope blames women, men or people in general for all of their problems and failures.
The World Class Jerk: The World Class Jerk is a classless, uncouth, foul-mouthed jackass who is universally offensive.
The Moocher: The Moocher constantly asks to borrow everything money to breath mints. The Moocher develops amnesia when it's time to pay back a loan, and is never able to reciprocate a favor.
The Downer: The Downer is always in a bad mood. In fact, The Downer takes great pains to maintain their bad mood and to broadcast it to anyone who will listen.
The Illwill Ambassador: The Illwill Ambassador seeks out bad news and rumors and works overtime to make sure no one misses out on their malevolent mudslinging.
The Instigator: The Instigator lives to create discord, hostility and strife. The Instigator actually nurtures confrontation.
The Bully: The Bully thrives on dominating and humiliating those they perceive as weaker than them.
The Master Manipulator: The Master Manipulator uses cunning, trickery and subterfuge to control victims.
The Blackmailer: The Blackmailer works hard to gain your trust so they can learn your secrets and weaknesses and exploit them when you cross them.
The Blabbermouth: The Blabbermouth tells everything they know--especially your personal business.
The Generally Malcontent: The Generally Malcontent finds dissatisfaction with everything and makes a point of never being happy...ever.
The Love Predator: The Love Predator pretends to be your friend, finds out all your businesses and uses it to try to get your spouse or lover into bed. The Love Predator doesn't actually want your spouse or lover; they want you to know they slept with (or could have slept with) your spouse or lover.
The Self-Destructor: The Self-Destructor eats too much, drinks too much, smokes too much and parties too much. The Self-Destructor is the embodiment of the word reckless.
I have my fair share of dealing with toxic people. Believe me, I hate the feeling.
I am not saying Im perfect but at least I dont step on people's toes and blackmail people's emotions.
I am sure you too have your story about toxic people that you have encountered.
I hope the above reference would help you identify the toxic people you have dealt with or dealing with right now.
I am working with one now and cant wait to see what's our HR action against her - the 2nd complaints made against her in a span of almost 2 months. Thing is, this is the 2nd time she has conflict with staff - and mind you would definitely hurt her ego...if not, reputation. Worst still, shes still under probation.
Using power and abusing it, to your advantage is simply not right. To threaten people - albeit subtly on what you can do to 'hurt' them is simply unbelievable!
I just think she should spend her last years working (shes 50 this year btw) happily and leave a good memory / name behind. Its sad that she do this to herself. She brought the downfall upon her. She thinks everyone should just tolerate and give face. Not gonna happen for sure.
Meanwhile, will post an update on what will happen to her next....God bless this path Im taking :-)
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