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Cutie Cupid & Mum!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I am thinking (again..), yes my activity these days are...THINKING.

Which explains why I am sprouting whites on my mane...sigh.

What if..What IF. There are:

5000 people (the whole wide world consists of billions of people)

365 days a year

10 dollars each (doesnt matter what currency)

1 mission (to help those in need)

Its like you have some spare cash, but want to spread some kindness - but not sure how. You could give to the beggar on the street, or to a shelter home, physically. What about online? You have a choice. Sure nobody believes anyone in the internet. There are many scammers than the real deal! But what is 10 dollar to one person? Enough to buy a bottle of drink, and a lunch box. Its far enough to buy a diamond ring!

We can set a TIMER. Yes, when it hits 5000 people, thats it! Mission accomplish.

So there is no cheating.

We could put the amount we receive on daily basis - regardless of currency type - we will add it up and totalise it.

As a token of thanks, we publish the names of donors and perhaps send them a nice postcard. Real nice postcard!

This could work. Oooh...I have another idea!!

Lets see.....


I have been thinking about it lately. How do I get money?

Working for others WILL get you income, minus in & out, you still have some left to save - or not.

Working for yourself means you need a business to run, convince investors...getting the revenue they want, keep some for yourself, the rest split to put back into the business + the investors.

Then I remembered this book that I read years back and still enjoyed reading it, SAVE KARYN.

The author, who got herself into a huge debt had turned to Cyber Begging to solve her problem. Genius? I think she is! Of course, it comes with risks as well.

Risks like being stalked by mad + jealous people, there were people who ask you do stupid things as well like pose yourself nude, sell drugs for them - all for the sake of, "If you want express money!"...

But if you are patient enough, put in effort to show your commitment that you needed the money because you want to settle your debt, begging is just not the way to go. You must have something to show in return in order for people to feel it. Like Karyn, she sold her things on ebay - that's how others got to know her as well, then she updates her story (like her journey) almost everyday. Day in, day out...her visitors (to her website) snowballed.

Here I am ~ thinking about my job. I know there's nothing wrong with the company - its just the department I'm in. I feel unproductive. I wanted to do more, not just sit in office and stare at the computer. I am assigned jobs that doesnt add value and my boss is not very well liked by many and she's in denial! Approach her? She will give you the same reason, that she's the head - its either you do what you are told to do, or do nothing. Her decision is what matters. Believe me, we approached the HR, even her head....all we hear is short, we are losing hope + demotivated and all we could do is just go with the flow, do what we can do (work) and look for other jobs. Yes....I am hunting again!!!

Arghh...I thought this is the last place I serve and build my career. I was wrong.

My boss is old fashioned. She didnt believe in two way communication, its either her way or no way at all - simple. I thought it was just me earlier that is having this bad hives - my poor colleagues, all of them were affected too! So what does that tells you? We or her that is having problem? My staff, Ronald tendered his resignation 2 days ago. I just lost a capable staff and good friend.


I am still here. Battling with my emotions, trying to keep up with her. Everyday is a trial. Everyday is a drag for all of us. Our days are spent thinking what will she do next, who will be the next victim...we are just too free and traumatised! We are like zombies..robots. The only difference is that we need to reprogramme ourselves everyday. Else, we will go bonkers. We are not bunch of whiners. Luck is just not on our side. We tried, we are in dilemma what will happen next. So I chose to take action - leave. Let her stay then with the company who dont even know what to do with her. Who still want her to stay and 'see' what she can 'do' and 'contribute'.

So here we are back to square one. Job hunting again. Its not something we enjoy doing. I dont. But for the sake of survival - we need to take action and move. If its my business, I would stay and persevere after spending so much. But working for somebody, I need to move on if the situation is of not much help no matter how we tried to resolve it.

Seriously, I have no idea what will happen tomorrow. All I have is hope and some other crazy ideas in my brain. I dont know if it could work - I am willing to try. I dont know why I am writing this for, but at least I am relieved.

So now, I need to put on my thinking cap and see what I can do to make money. Cyber Begging perhaps???....but not to the point of exposing my boobs and all, or commit a crime - I have more class to commit to that.

Sunday, March 21, 2010



Following is a list of commonly encountered types of toxic people, with descriptions of their basic toxic characteristics:

The Psychopath: The Psychopath lacks empathy and sympathy, is completely devoid of a conscience, and derives pleasure from others' suffering.

The Sociopath: The Sociopath completely disregards the rights and feelings of others, and is incapable of experiencing remorse, shame or guilt.

The Pathological Liar: The Pathological Liar lacks the capacity to tell the truth-in fact, the pathological lacks the ability to even recognize the truth.

The Emotional Wreck: The Emotional Wreck is constantly on an emotional rollercoaster. This individual simply cannot keep it together.

The Putdown Artist: The Putdown Artist is constantly making others the butt of jokes in an attempt to deflect attention away from their own shortcomings.

The Hatemonger/Blamemonger: The Hatemonger/Blamemonger hates everyone who is nicer, smarter, richer, better connected or more successful than they are. The Hatemonger/Blamemonger blames every individual and every group of individuals that is different from them for all of their particular problems, as well as for everything the Hatemonger/Blamemonger believes is wrong with the world in general.

The Misogynist/Misandrist/Misanthrope: The Misogynist hates women. The Misandrist hates women. The Misanthrope hates ALL humans without regard to gender. The Misogynist/Misandrist/Misanthrope blames women, men or people in general for all of their problems and failures.

The World Class Jerk: The World Class Jerk is a classless, uncouth, foul-mouthed jackass who is universally offensive.

The Moocher: The Moocher constantly asks to borrow everything money to breath mints. The Moocher develops amnesia when it's time to pay back a loan, and is never able to reciprocate a favor.

The Downer: The Downer is always in a bad mood. In fact, The Downer takes great pains to maintain their bad mood and to broadcast it to anyone who will listen.

The Illwill Ambassador: The Illwill Ambassador seeks out bad news and rumors and works overtime to make sure no one misses out on their malevolent mudslinging.

The Instigator: The Instigator lives to create discord, hostility and strife. The Instigator actually nurtures confrontation.

The Bully: The Bully thrives on dominating and humiliating those they perceive as weaker than them.

The Master Manipulator: The Master Manipulator uses cunning, trickery and subterfuge to control victims.

The Blackmailer: The Blackmailer works hard to gain your trust so they can learn your secrets and weaknesses and exploit them when you cross them.

The Blabbermouth: The Blabbermouth tells everything they know--especially your personal business.

The Generally Malcontent: The Generally Malcontent finds dissatisfaction with everything and makes a point of never being happy...ever.

The Love Predator: The Love Predator pretends to be your friend, finds out all your businesses and uses it to try to get your spouse or lover into bed. The Love Predator doesn't actually want your spouse or lover; they want you to know they slept with (or could have slept with) your spouse or lover.

The Self-Destructor: The Self-Destructor eats too much, drinks too much, smokes too much and parties too much. The Self-Destructor is the embodiment of the word reckless.


I have my fair share of dealing with toxic people. Believe me, I hate the feeling.

I am not saying Im perfect but at least I dont step on people's toes and blackmail people's emotions.

I am sure you too have your story about toxic people that you have encountered.

I hope the above reference would help you identify the toxic people you have dealt with or dealing with right now.

I am working with one now and cant wait to see what's our HR action against her - the 2nd complaints made against her in a span of almost 2 months. Thing is, this is the 2nd time she has conflict with staff - and mind you would definitely hurt her ego...if not, reputation. Worst still, shes still under probation.

Using power and abusing it, to your advantage is simply not right. To threaten people - albeit subtly on what you can do to 'hurt' them is simply unbelievable!

I just think she should spend her last years working (shes 50 this year btw) happily and leave a good memory / name behind. Its sad that she do this to herself. She brought the downfall upon her. She thinks everyone should just tolerate and give face. Not gonna happen for sure.

Meanwhile, will post an update on what will happen to her next....God bless this path Im taking :-)


Monday, March 8, 2010


Something is definitely wrong with my feet this year...sigh!

Blame it on bad shoes (cheap shoes doesnt mean they're good for walking!!), bad walking or for being too active back in school many years back - my feet is now useless!!

I am at my wits end to fix this problem. I was told to rest my feet more and mind you after coming back from a Treasure Hunt event in Ipoh yesterday, only God knows how painful my poor feet was back there! We travel on foot to decipher the clues - and being on foot the whole day + it was super hot during the day, every step I took was like walking on a sharp knife en route HELL. I took every stride with a high spirit and my effort didnt fail me, we WON! 4th placing out of 39 Teams!

I managed to get a quick one hour reflexology massage at Ipoh Parade, at one of this open air space before the company dinner starts (7pm). Apparently one of the Thai massage centre is having their promotions in the shopping complex and yup, for the first in my life I got my massage in the open! I managed to catch some nap while Porn (a dark, huge but sweet lady masseuse) fix my feet + legs. She's SOOO good!!! I was worried she might 'Karate' me, but nope...she knows how to apply pressure at the right places. Kudos to PORN!! Go find her next time if you are in Ipoh Parade.

In the mean time, am back home taking a rest - feel so exhausted (very heaty inside + slight fever) and of course resting my feet.

Will be going to work tomorrow....gah!!


Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I wanna win a lottery! MAGNUM Jackpot to be exact - Anyone knows the secret?

Honestly, I have bought a few numbers in the past only to win very small amount and I can count how many times I exchanged the winning number with cash - TWICE! Sad right? And yes, I won RM200 at most times.

I didnt buy that many, nor am I a punter or rely 100% of my livelihood to gambling..lols!

It's a nice feeling to read about someone who just won a lottery.

Imagine if ITS YOU!

I have just read about a businessman from Rawang who won RM11 Million from Magnum 4D. And years back a 70-year old aunty won RM17 Million from the Pan Malaysia Pool RM3 Lottery Ticket - makes me wanna track her and tell her that I am her long lost grand daughter (No?)...Another story few months back was about a husband and wife (hawkers) who won RM20 Million, and they've never travelled overseas before! They were too happy that it made them clueless as to what to do with the money. But just like everyone, they wanna use tiny part (very tiny ok?!) of it to clear debts :-)

I wish I can win a lottery. Even if its a freakin' RM1Million.

Its a once in a lifetime - beautiful experience! And yes, I too wanna clear my debt if I win, treat my family & friends to a sumptuous meal & holidays, buy a house / MPV, invest it in some trust funds & donate some to charities :-)

Guess its an impossible dream for many of us :-)


Monday, March 1, 2010


Stayed home today due to my swollen ankle + dislocated extreme left foot bone.

I actually felt the pain weeks ago but ignored it. The blow came during the recent weekend when I hastily ran down the stairs thinking that my hubby forgotten to bring in the clothes and the sound of thunder rudely awaken me from my slumber. So blurily I ran the stairs only to twist my ankle and made it worst!!

I was practically limping yesterday! My good staff, Nurul kindly lend her shoulder as I walked the pavement en route Manhattan Fish & Co at Ampang Park for my belated birthday lunch (Thanks peeps!).

I wore an ankle guard which I got from Guardian @ RM18.90 (its on SALE) restrict the movement a little..

So I talked to hubby to bring me to this place where my friend used to get her treatment - when she slipped and fell. I used to go to the one at Taman Desa (Everhealthy something..), but the good doc from China has long left the country. He was one of the best I have experienced coz when he treated me that time (I slipped and fell during one CNY many years back and hurt my back) he made me sweat!! Not in a bad way peeps, he made me broke into cold sweat because I gritted my teeth so hard to withstand the pain!!! As if Im in a child labor!

So yeah, I went to OSSO ( and a tomboyish receptionist (shes nice) greeted me and I was made to wait for a while with hubby. I enjoyed myself watching Mr Bean for a while!

I'd say better make an appointment first before you come because after my treatment was done, while waiting for hubby to finish - I saw 5 people came in for treatment. Each treatment may last from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on the nature of your case / injury.

I came out with both feet bandaged :-P, left feet due to a dislocated bones on the extreme left of the feet and right feet due to an old ankle injury during my sporty days many years ago. The therapist pasted gauzes of chinese herbs on the injured area and proceeded to wrap it neatly.

I looked a sick soccer player! I need to wear this for 6 hours and no acidic food for me for the next two weeks.

My hubby came out of the treatment feeling good too. He suffered lower back pain, so he too got his back pasted with the miracle chinese herbs.

I will be going back there again soon - to align my upper and lower back. I insisted to do all of them today but the therapist was against it saying that I may not be able to withstand all the pain at once...haha...hmm, he's right :-)

So peeps, please go visit OSSO if you, family or friends have prolonged pains at the joints or muscles - they're not that expensive (RM100 to RM50) and they're effective too!



I recently ask myself, if I wanna do a review on something (a product or a service), what would it be? here is a list in no particular order:

1) Food - Because I love 'em, I have good taste buds ok..

2) Slimming products - I have flabby arms, tummy, butt and thigh as a result of carrying an 8 pounder baby 2 years ago + slaving away behind a laptop at work..

3) Hospitality - I love travelling, and I like good hotels...I usually check the bathroom first or toilet whenever I am at a new hotel..

4) Baby products - Because I can try it on my 2 year old adorable + naughty daughter and see how effective it is, I love recommending tried and tested stuff!

5) Hair/Skincare products - I like beauty stuff...unfortunately motherhood wont allow me to be pretty all year round! So any one day treatment is appreciated to make me feel pretty again! :-)

6) Tech Stuff - I love checking out gadgets and tools to find out what it can do...then start telling my husband how cool it is..then he starts telling his staff, friends..etc...

7) Massage / Alternative Medical Treatment - I love massage!! I love being pampered and guess what? Thai Odyssey made lots of money from me from all those reflexology treatment visit! Hahaha! Alternative medical treatment? I just got my bones aligned..painful but its worth it!

8) Movies / Concerts - I love music and good movies, since the day I was born! (er...that would be the music part)

Hmmm...eight only ah???...Anyways..8 is a good number to start with.

So any of you who DARE to contact me to offer the above, dont be shy - I am available...just a few fingertips away!..I promise to write nothing but a good and honest review!! (only if you prefer honest review coz I am simple like that - honesty is the best policy!) :-)



I am writing again.

I have neglected my passion to blog about anything random for the past few months due to work and my motherhood duties - and now, I feel the need to resume again because I just love to kay-poh about life and things around me.

This is a totally revamped site peeps.

I used to have a few silly blogs created out of boredom and now its time to keep only one - coz its easier to maintain *lols*

Oh yes, I love reading other people's blogs. Not all of them are nonsense though! Some provided tips, stories and recommendations about things I like, eg: food, make up, skincare, tech stuff...

I will link those blogs that I usually 'stalk' soon :-)

There were instances where blogger makes money too out of adverts write ups, is it true? Have no idea really - maybe its true coz most of my blogger friends were travelling here and there and most importantly enjoyed free passes + product all throughout the year...

So maybe I could try and join in the wagon?? Hahah!! We shall see...if I have what it takes, then it shall be..:-)

Until then...I am resetting this blog to an ALL new me :-)

Happy reading!